Collaborating on a Personal Level
Focusing on an authentic approach to our client communication, we came up with a video series that would allow us to promote the way that we value relationships with our clients. We encouraged our General Managers to share a coffee with us and express what makes their hotel and our relationship special. We realised that this is not something that’s ever been done before in our industry, and what better way to truly understand our clients than to listen to their vision straight from the source.
We gave the name #CoffeewithaClient to emphasise how sometimes all it takes is to sit down over a drink and ask the right questions in order to truly understand what makes a person, and a hotel tick. We are lucky to be working with a great number of inspiring hotels both in the UK and internationally, so to hear their experiences first-hand and understand their “why” gives us a leading edge to create content that speaks exclusively for the brand. This also gave us a unique opportunity to discuss our working relationship and share how we have mutually reaped the rewards of our collaboration for the benefit of the guest experience.
Take a look at some of the photos taken during our recent visits below.
An Ongoing Insight into What Makes Hotels Tick
Our clients have taught us that people work well with other people, and so far it has been a privilege to highlight what makes some of our hotels unique. So far we have produced short videos for the Chesterton hotel in Oxford and the Shakespeare & Dolphin Inn hotels in Paddington, we look forward to resuming this insightful journey once lockdown is over! Take a look below to see the two visits we have completed so far.
Like what you see from our videos? Take a look at our full collection of content via our YouTube Channel